July 9th will be the last day of our one month Brahmacharya period. When we decided, we were not very sure whether we could do justise to this tough decision. All normal ladies can understand the difficulty of living with a handsome hunk and all gentle men can understand the control required for living with a hot babe for 30 long days, that too observing strict Brahmacharya.Afterall, all are for the auspicious occassion, which had come after four years of waiting. If you don' t avail it now, you will have to wait another four years for it. The toughest part was that both of us had to be awaken to catch up with the Muhurthams till early morning. To be precise, 'Brahma Muhurtham'. Being a female, I got a few days concessions to sleep when the Muhurthams were not so auspicious.
But during those days, when we both had to be awaken, I had extra duties of preparing coffee and serving chips to keep us awake. Afterall, these are part of Brahmacharya vrat.
We are supposed to observe all these strict rituals to encourage those pilgrims who are struggling to attain the moksha by reaching the precious golden ball. One of them will also be blessed with a 'Suvarna paadukam' (golden boot) to continue the pilgrimage next time. In the course of this pilgrimage started from June 10th, many of the pilgrims will be knocked out of the journey at various milestones. This might be because of some of them had violated rules of the vrat.
As they approach the golden ball, there will be 22 of them left. Only the highly esteemmed 11 of them will get the life time opportunity to touch the golden ball. As the most awaited day approaches, the day the last 11 will reach the ultimate adobe, we will be contented that our sacrifice, the strict Brahmacharya could add a drop in the sea of prayers.
Yes, day after tomorrow is the day which will mark the end of the strict vrat period. Back to married life for another 4 yrs till this comes again.
Dedicated to all those guys who were forced to be bachelors and those gals who were forced to be spinsters due to Word Cup Football.
France or Italy??
Very informative post. That deft touch at the end was awesome - the dedication and world cup! :)
ho kadutha vratham thanne ..
as abhi said .. that dedication was apt.
@ Abhi, thanks
@ Dhanush, vratham aavumbol kurachu budhimuttanam
@ Alexis, thanks for visiting my blog.
Nice one...I was wondering what was this occasion u were talking of...Initially i thot it might be pilgrimage to sabarimala...Good closing lines...A goal well scored...::))))
U got me there. I really thought it was some hindu ritual which strangely I had not heard of.
A very nice angle to present the World Cup :D
u had me fooled for a while. :-)
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